Study Guide Twelve

Era of the New Deal: Phase Two

Exam Two


NOTE: If you can answer these questions satisfactorily, you should do well on this section of the second exam.  The material below consists of important material from the lecture.  Questions on the test will be largely taken from this material.


Terms (definition and significance):


Frances Perkins


Social Security Act of 1935


Works Progress Administration (WPA), 1935


Norris-LaGuardia Act, 1932


“Yellow Dog Contracts”


Robert Wagner


Wagner Act, 1935


National Labor Relations Board


Big Labor


John L. Lewis


Committee on Industrial Organization/Congress of Industrial Organizations


United Auto Workers


Flint Strike 1937


Steel Workers Organizing Committee


Republic Steel


Memorial Day Massacre 1937


Second Agricultural Adjustment Act, 1936


Alf Landon


Literary Digest


Court Packing/Nine Old Men Controversy, 1937


Owen J. Roberts


Keynesian Economics


Roosevelt Recession of 1937



Questions to Think About:


How did the US compare with other countries in the provision of social security benefits?


What did the Social Security Act do?


What were the problems of the WPA and what were the achievements of the program?


What were some of the programs supported by the WPA?


How did the power of labor unions change during the 1930s?


Why did the power of labor unions change during the 1930s?


What was the rivalry between the AFL and CIO?


Describe the presidential election of 1936?


What were the issues involved in the Supreme Court controversies and how did they affect Roosevelt’s popularity?


What were the reasons that New Deal came to an end?


What was the significance of the New Deal?