
Ca Va Tres Bien

Je'mapelle Aaron Oakley.J'ai douze ans.

For the first trois days of our AEGIS-FLICS camp, Mme Rollefson has been our Francais proffesor.We have learned various things in the French language in her lectures and computer software. Things like dates, times, numbers, sports, and various other things. On the last day we had a pique-nique. It featured French cuisine and sports(boules). J'aime faire du boule! We also had a pretend resturant where we got to order things in French. These first days have been a blast. Vive la France! Un Deux(do) Trois(twa) Quatre(cat) Cinque(sank) Six(sees) Sept(set) Wit(weet) Neuf(nef) Dix(dees). Those are our numbers.

Through the next deux weeks I will be learning Spanish, German, and Japanese. Miss Ferren and Miss Wilkes will be our Espagnol teachers. Miss Bowles will be our German teacher.

Au revoir(until we meet again).