Jay's Japanese Link!

This page will be a little bit different from the usual Japanese pages.
Japanese text is not done in the usual Roman text. The Japanese people
writein a 3 scripts. They write in Katakana, Kangi, and Hyrogauna. Due to my
lack of computer knowledge, I will be writing in Roman script. I will type it
in Japanese Roman-style and translate into English.

O hao u go zai ma su. Haji me ma shi te. Watashi wa Takashi des. Do u zo yo ro shi
ku o negai shi mas u. Ju ni des. Clinton ka ra ka ma shi ta. Baskuet-ba-ru ga ski des.
Se-ro-ri gan kir des.

Good morning. Haji me ma shi te is just a standard Japanese greeting. Their is no
English translation. My name is Takashi. Nice to meet you. I am 12 years old. I am
from Clinton,AR. I like basketball. I don't like celery.Bye!

Mitsubishi is a Japanese based company.

Nissan is too.